Posts Tagged ‘Word-Filled-Wednesday’

He will quiet you with his love and rejoice over you with singing…

I came across this verse on another blog this week… on a day I was feeling very much in turmoil and needed the reminder and impression of peace and comfort this verse gives.

Today I read it in the context of Zephaniah 3.  I really don’t know much about the minor prophets… or the book of Zephaniah.  But basically I get the impression of a people who did not trust God… who wanted things their own way (how often do I do the same?).  And yet… when even a few trusted… God relented.  He did not punish.  He did not give the consequences they deserved.  (If you have read the Bible, this should be sounding really familiar… God has done this over and over again).

The impression I get is of a parent dealing with a child who is upset, overwrought, in a tantrum.  Who won’t listen to what their parent has to say… even if that is what is best.  And yet, God swoops down… accepts the anger without condoning it… and offers comfort, a refuge, a lullaby… a reminder that child is loved.

That’s all.  I could muse a bit on how I am that child at times.  Or on how I am not that kind of parent as often as I should be.  Maybe another time.  This week, I just needed the reminder that I can be irrational, unreasonable, overwhelmed… and still be loved.  And I’m offering what has blessed me in hopes it will do the same for you.

WFW is not about books, authors, artists.. it’s about God and HIS WORD ONLY. WFW is about celebrating the gift of creativity through God’s Word.

Join myself and others as we share at Word Filled Wednesday:

Also, visit Mom’s Mustard Seeds to connect with more women learning and living in the Word

Trust, Peace & a Prayer

Yesterday, my husband and I took our 4 year old to a local pizza place for some pizza and games. Exploring the kids’ area, he decided to ride a small merry-go-round. Before the ride started, he changed his mind. “Too high! I’m scared!” I relented. We explored other rides. After watching him thoroughly enjoy riding in a small car on the ground, I encouraged him to ride in a helicopter. What I didn’t think about… and didn’t mention… was that the helicopter went up and down instead of back and forth. Ten seconds into the ride, a startled little boy peered down  at me, pleading, “I’m scared!”.   I looked into his eyes and assured him, “I’m right here beside you. I will not let anything happen to you.” It worked. He relaxed… and enjoyed the ride… and then wanted to do it again.

How often I am like him. My life has been full of experiences I could not foresee.  Too often  I turn, startled, and exclaim, “I’m scared! I can’t do this! I want off!”. But I too have a loving Parent beside me who tells me, “It’s okay. I’m right here beside you. You will get through this.” My 4 year old trusts me, enough to not only overcome his fears but enjoy the rest of the journey. Why is it so difficult for me to do the same? Father, thank you for the times you have guided me through the difficult, dark, and scary times of life. Help me to trust you unreservedly to guide me through the rest. Offering this prayer for myself and for others traveling their own uncertain paths at the moment… may we all remember that God will give peace through uncertain times.

You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Trust in the Lord always,
for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.   –Isaiah 26:3-4

WFW is not about books, authors, artists.. it’s about God and HIS WORD ONLY. WFW is about celebrating the gift of creativity through God’s Word.

Join myself and others as we share at:

Also, visit Mom’s Mustard Seeds to connect with more women learning and living in the Word

Word Filled Wednesday

I just received a link to this CD in my e-mail. I suppose it is ironic that just as I posted about my favorite lullaby CD, I am going to have to change that vote. I haven’t bought this CD yet… but it is a given I will. I hope this video (and the CD) blesses you as it has me today.

“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”  — Psalm 46:10

You can preview the rest of the CD at Scripture Lullabies.

Also, visit Internet Cafe Devotions for other Word Filled Wednesday posts.

Today, I am thankful for the message of the songs on this CD… I needed some peace today. The bonus is that the second song on the CD is based on Philippians 4:6-7, which is my absolute favorite life-sustaining Scripture.

Word-Filled Wednesday — He Loves Us!

As usual… this isn’t the post I planned.  But… I spent the morning struggling with sadness, jealousy, impatience, and loneliness, with some guilt for feeling all those ways piled into the mix.  Into that morning God poured this reminder through song that he loves me despite the times I don’t feel loved or don’t feel or act loving towards others.  He topped that off with a few friends asking how I was doing… and by then I was doing well enough to simply state it was “one of those days” and appreciate the question.

Here’s hoping this song blesses someone else out there today… it never fails to get to me. I’m sure I’ve posted it on here before… but I am sure I will again too.

Oh, and this is part of Word-Filled Wednesday… which is never wordless for me. Hop over to to see more… and much thanks to Verse in Ink for the verse image above.

In all things GOD works for the Good…

Not that everything is Good… but that God can bring Good out of and fulfill his Purposes through using all things and all events…

Linking up with Internet Cafe Devotions for this Word-Filled Wednesday.

Seeking Contentment

Had a whole blog post typed out… and decided I was no longer in the same frame of (worrying; complaining) mind and wouldn’t post it.  Here’s the gist!

Here’s what I keep trying to remember:


Fear. Despite reading and loving Fearless, I spend too much time enveloped by fear. I tend to go to one of two extremes… either I become overwhelmed by fear and anxiety or I attempt to ignore it. Of course, Fear will not be ignored. It will arise at inopportune moments in an attempt to strangle dreams, quash hope, steamroller joy. Fear shackles me to the past and tries to convince me that there can be no different future. Fear looks at future hopes and reasons that my present path cannot lead to future dreams. Fear discourages me from having future dreams at all. Fear burdens me, weighs me down, limits my vision.

Instead of having extreme reactions, I need to embrace Fear and courageously act in response to it.  I need to remind Fear that it is a part of me but it will not master me. I need to embrace fears… look and see which are realistic… and take action where I can. After doing what I can to guard against reasonable fears, I need to discourage irrational fears from overtaking my mind. And I need to remember that I have a God who reminds me that, no matter what, he is beside me; he will help me carry burdens and surmount life-storms; he will take life-pressures away from me and send peace “that transcends all understanding” (Phil. 4:6-7) to make them as if they are weightless.

This is a blog post in response to Three Word Wednesday writing prompts and part of Word Filled Wednesday.  Feel free to join in!